Saturday 17 February 2007

Of KLIA, hot stewardess and caffe mocha

The WiFi in KLIA is blardy slow.
At least I get to see hot stewardess passing by every few minutes or so. Wonder how going out with a stewardess is like. Never had the opportunity, unlike a mate of mine, who went to Florence for a training programme, on business class, and at the end of the flight, got the stewardess to ask for his number. What are the odds of that happening to anyone??


niji said...

how does the caffe mocha fit in?
haha.. slow slow la progress.. maybe in another decade or so the connection will be faster.. lol.

stay away from stewardesses.. you'll suffer from lack-of-girlfriend withdrawal syndrome! (^^,)

Simply a Book Review Blog said...

erm.forgot bout the cafe.
I was sipping it the whole time I was there