Sunday 11 March 2007

Never a coincidence.

How come on TV or in movies, the guy will always get himself tangled up in some kind of unfortunate event, and coincidentally meets a hot and gorgeous girl, later getting her to fall for him. Or to sleep with him. Its bullshit. It never happened to me. I bet it never happened you. Thats the reason millions of dollar are dumped into making an industry out of it. And you and me, are ever willing pay to watch it happen. Only in movies, or in dreams.

On another note, somebody needs to invent a clothes ironer. A gadget that irons clothes. Make it good at it, especially on the pleats of pants, and back of shirts. He/she will make millions. Not to mention that I'm badly in need of it now.


betakappa said...

there are shirts and pats that don't need ironing. Nothing new. :)
Just ask for them at any good departmental store.

Simply a Book Review Blog said...

Yep I know.
I need it for my company sponsored shirts.